Speakers Video Mapped DJ Booth - Spot Light


LED Screen LED Wall Mapped Video Mapped Projection Mapping Video Wall DJ Booth DJ Speakers Lights Wall LED Loop BPM Booth DJ setup 3D Illusion

File Details

Published: 04/20/2020 Category: Mapping 3D VJ Loops & Clips Viewed: 218 Downloads: 4 Clip Format: CGI (Computer Generated)

ID : 161915

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QuickTime HD 1920x1080p140.27 Mb.$10.00
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This clip is available in pack Speaker Pack Video Mapped DJ Booth starting at $30.00 for 14 clips in QuickTime HD 1920x1080p. Buy in bulk and save!

Designed to be mapped to popular LED screen layout with a split screen (4:1 ratio in front of DJ & 4:2 ratio behind) these loop transform a DJ booth into a wall of speakers.

Subtle speaker movement with spot light flashing on colorful speaker wall.

Best used with our 'Speaker Pack'