Pads Video Mapped DJ Booth - Pads Spin Vertical


DJ Booth DJ Screen DJ LED LED Wall LED Screen LED Video LED Visuals LED Video Mapping Projection Mapping Mapping Mapped 3D Illusion Pads Squares Padded

File Details

Published: 04/23/2020 Category: Mapping 3D VJ Loops & Clips Viewed: 249 Downloads: 2 Clip Format: CGI (Computer Generated)

ID : 162147

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QuickTime HD 1920x1080p100.99 Mb.$10.00
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This clip is available in pack Pads Pack Video Mapped DJ Booth starting at $30.00 for 11 clips in QuickTime HD 1920x1080p. Buy in bulk and save!

Designed to be mapped to popular LED screen layout with a split screen (4:1 ratio in front of DJ & 4:2 ratio behind) these loops give a DJ booth a padded backdrop effect with 3D movement

Pads spin in a vertical direction

Graphic in monochrome to allow easy colour change

Best used with our 'Pads Pack'